Dalia Naeem, a 29-year-old actress and TV host from Baghdad, has undergone a staggering 43 cosmetic procedures to transform herself into what she calls her version of a real-life Barbie doll. Her dramatic transformation has sparked mixed reactions, with some dubbing her the “Iraqi Barbie” while others criticize her appearance, calling her “Zombie” or “Devil Barbie.”
Dalia Naeem reportedly spent thousands of dollars to achieve a look inspired by the iconic Barbie doll. With 43 cosmetic procedures under her belt, including enhancements like lip filler and breast enlargement surgery, her transformation is impossible to ignore.
In a recent video where Dalia showcased her new look, her makeup artist can be heard complimenting her, saying, “You look so beautiful, my dear. Like Barbie.” Dalia responded by pointing to her glamorous makeup and saying, “Your makeup is Barbie.”